Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Mrs. Bach's 1st Graders are Persuasive!

Eric, Jen and I  met with 20 elementary teachers who are piloting the use of iPads in their classroom. Each teacher was given a tower of 10 iPads to replace 4 of the 6 desk top computers in their classroom. The group shared their experiences, projects and applications. Below is just one example of a project that was shared with us.

"Our project was for writing based on Lucy Calkins and our persuasive writing unit. We began our unit by studying Mo Willems and his Pigeon books. Pigeon is always trying to convince his readers to give him what he wants by using different persuasive techniques (begging, politeness, love, etc.). The students had to decide on something they really wanted to have. They had to write a planner that showed different ways of trying to get their item using the same techniques as Pigeon. After writing, we sketched our drawings. We then used our sketches to draw in the Colorbox HD app on the iPads. Our drawings had to include ourselves and speech bubbles (just like Pigeon). Once their picture was done, they saved it to the camera roll and began the next picture. Once all pictures were finished and saved, they imported them into the Videolicious app to begin their slideshow. Once their pictures were imported, they recorded their voices reading the speech bubbles. In the end they were able to watch their videos on the iPad and make any corrections needed. As a class celebration, we had a movie viewing party and watched the videos on the Smartboard using the provided Dongle. The projects were also emailed directly to the families for a keepsake."

-Mrs. Bach

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